5 Ways to Use Sex Toys During Two-way Sex

5 Ways to Use Sex Toys During Two-way Sex


When you think of sex toys, do you often consider the many ways in which they can be used? You along with others in the world probably only view these cool bedroom gadgets with a solo eye. Everyone knows that sex toys cannot be used when couples are getting it on; right? Wrong! Here are five ways to get the most out of your sex toys while enjoying a bit of pleasure with bae.

1. A ring of vibrations

There are cock rings that remain dormant, and then there are those sex toy types that vibrate. You can do a lot with a vibrating cock ring, which includes gently slipping the device onto his penis and angling it just right so that it stimulates his goods as well as your clitoris.

2. The pebble massager

Too many sex fanatics deem the pebble vibrator as a solo action type of toy. The reality, however, is that you can use this small massager to gently rub up and down his or her private area for an explosion that cannot be put into words. You can also use the pebble vibrator to add a bit more action to the scene. Try rolling the massager across your breasts as he penetrates you and see if your body responds in the most amazing way.

3. Doggy style plus dildo equals fun

There is something simply beautiful about the doggy style. You are completely surrendered to what your partner wants in a manner that leaves you exposed to the world. Imagine yourself riding high while he enters you from the back as you stimulate yourself with a dildo in the front. The experience is nothing short of pure passion.

4. The dildo in the hot seat

Of course, your dildo can do more than provide the best experience ever while you are in the doggy position. There is also the matter of the hot seat in which you sit on your partner’s lap while bare and let him enter you. Add a dildo to the front of this position for added pleasure.

5. Vibrators for flexibility

Your man’s penis can only do so much. Sometimes, in all of his efforts, hitting the sweet spot is not a possibility. It is for such reason that vibrators were created. Invest in a flexible device that lets you wrap it around his penis to create a sort of cock ring effect. You can also use the right vibrator on yourself by opening your labial lips and having him roll the device up and down there.

It may take a while for you to come down from the high that is good sex coupled with excellent stimulation. Isn’t that what you want, though?

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