You don't need to take risks to achieve sexual pleasure. It's understandable that it might be under social stigma when purchasing condoms at a corner store, as everyone knows what they're for. This is why purchasing from an e-commerce shop will give you convenience and privacy to do as you wish.
While just using condoms slashes the risk, proper usage is critical. You must roll it on in the right manner (following any instructions provided), allow for a reservoir at the tip, and make sure it fits snugly down to the base of the penis.
Having condoms on-hand is useful for unexpected encounters and couples alike, and in the proper storage conditions, they can last for quite a while. Be mindful of where you store them (not too hot nor cold), and toss them as they approach their expiration dates.
We understand that there are no one-size-fits-all solutions, as every man is born with a unique member. Here you can see our assortment of condoms in varying designs, materials, and textures to accommodate what you're endowed with.