
$30.87 SGD $30.90 SGD

颜色: 红色的


标准送货费用为 5 美元,50 美元以上的订单可免费送货。

体验当日送达的便利,仅需 9.5 美元,90 美元以上的订单免费。最后时段截止时间为下午 6 点。


Ubi Techpark 零成本收藏,无最低购买要求。

POPStation 售价为 6 美元,超过 85 美元的订单免收费用。


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Product Description

您是否想让伴侣保持一致并给他们打屁股,但又不想伤害您的手?如果是这种情况,那么您需要检查Saffron Square桨。当您使用桨板时,您会注意到桨板会在合作伙伴底部留下痕迹,但也要确保他们知道您是老板。材质:PU皮

Disclaimer: The product specification provided are adapted from the supplier/manufacturer. It should be used as an approximate guide, for your reference only. While we strive to keep the product specification as accurate as possible, we will not be liable for any inaccuracy of the product specification provided.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Might be my new favourite toy

Tried this out today and was initially disappointed when I could hear it more than I felt it; cushioned surface didn’t make much of an impact when first starting out

However, after warmup and using some other implements, it was approaching the point where I would start to bruise, so we decided to go back and test this out again

This is where the cushioned surface truly shines: on already sore skin, the impact it makes is much larger than it was initially, and for me it allowed the fun to continue for a longer period of time since each hit fell within a comfortable pain range that was not too intense, but could easily be with enough repeated strikes.

Was feedbacked that the paddle brings colour to the skin without bruising

All in all I very much enjoyed the product (arrives in a plastic bag and paddle looks exactly as shown in the photo)